Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Super Typhoon Ioke

An update on this storm. Sure enough, Hurricane Ioke crossed the International Date Line and became Typhoon Ioke, with 150 mph winds. This caused some of the models to goof up, especially UKMET, and some displays (e.g., Wunderground) could not display west of 180 degrees. A few days later it displayed only west of 180 degrees and shows a course that takes it southwest, then northwest. This brings it out of earshot of all the models (I had especially been looking at GFDL) except GFS. Consistently over the runs, GFS has shown this typhoon will hit Japan, possibly with high winds, probably around September 7. Right now its target is Wake Island, which Ioke will probably flood the entire island and destroy everything on it.


Blogger Robin Edgar said...

Super Typhoon Emerson. . . ;-)

12:34 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

I don't understand the meaning of your comment.

1:09 PM  

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